Friday, March 26, 2010

Moving along =)

Its been a while since I last posted so I figured it was time to update =)
Things are going very well. I reached a big milestone in my weight loss journey. I have lost 70 lbs!! ME...I DID IT...I LOST 70 lbs. Its so surreal to me. When I hit 50 lbs it just kind of kicked in something and my brain clicked. I was like....who loses 50 thats who!! So I got that big boost and have been rolling since then. Its not easy, but its what has to be done. I choose to eat the way I eat for a become a better me!! I feel fabulous!!! I am noticing more and more everyday how my body has changed. I am looking forward to being able to go shopping with my friends and not having to head to the plus size section and actually being able to shop in the same area as them and in regular clothing stores with them!! I have never been able to do that so thats my GOAL!!! Just one more size to drop and I am there!!
I am so proud of myself for what I have accomplished so far.....I cant wait to continue this journey and see where it leads me!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Im back again...hehe Things are FABULOUS!!! Still on track and eating on plan and LOVING the results I am seeing. I had a customer come in yesterday and say "OMG Meg you are melting!" It was the best boost in the world to me! I can actually see my body shape changing..its like the last week I can notice looking straight down and seeing my toes and not sucking in my gut to do it...LOL Having my fingertips touch when I put them around my wrist!! Its the little things that mean so much to me.
I have decided to treat myself to a gift for doing so well. I am going to buy my first Coach purse =) I think the main reason is it gives me an excuse to go back to OBX...I know there are tons of places to get them, but going to the beach is an extra plus for me...toodle for now!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I hit a big milestone for me today....I am having a love affair with my scales and today I kissed them!!!!
God I cant believe I am going to throw this out there for everyone to see, but here goes. Today I weighed in at 249.2 I am finally closer to 200 than I am 300...the first time in forever!!! My goal for right now isnt weight its a size 16 by my birthday in May...I am very very confident that I will do that and maybe better as long as I stick to my plan and stay focused!!

Wow I am really going to post my weight..if that doesnt make it real I dont know what will...LOL

Getting the Wii and Wii fit plus as soon as tax money comes back so I can start some fun workouts. I hear great things about them so I cant wait. Also getting the treadmill fixed too...I actually miss that damn thing...something must be wrong with me head...LOL

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here I am once again...gee I dont blog as much as I thought I would LOL

Anywho...into the 2nd week of very low-carb mostly zero-carb eating. Things are going great!! I feel absolutely amazing!!! I actually went shopping to get a new pair of jeans because I wanted a pair that I had to actually unbutton and zip to take on and off...LOL I have lost 50+ lbs since last year with low-carb so it was time to buy something new. I have dropped 4 pant sizes!! Amazing!! It just reconfirmed that this is working for me and this is my path to follow for now. The exercise is coming...waiting on Uncle Sam to give me back some money so I can fix the treadmill and get my Wii and Wii fit plus! I hear great things about the Wii fit so I am excited to see what I can do with it. Decided I am going to get the dance game with it so Kaylee can have some fun with mom too!!

So thats my blog for now....I shall return when I have more to say..I just feel the urge to get up and do something so I will.

GOT MEAT?!?!?!?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here we go!!!

Ok day one in the history books for back to clean eating and doing very to the second hour of being a non-smoker also. I quit last year for almost an entire year...when I say almost I mean I was ONE DAY shy of making it a year! So here I go again, this time cold turkey. Pray for me and the ones around me LOL So I will be blogging my ass off I am sure.....we shall see!